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Course Description
This technical course is based on the highly regarded industry guidance released by National Precast, Understanding Grouted Precast Joints – A guide for engineers and building contractors.
It is an exclusive course that will lead you through the guide and develop your knowledge of grouted precast joints.
This course ends with a test to assess your new knowledge of the topic and when passed you will gain a certificate to recognise your completion of the course.
This course was built for engineers, builders, contractors and all who may take part in the design, execution and supervision/management of precast construction.
Duration: Approximately 2 hrs
CPD points earned: 2
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course attendees will understand:
- Design and Specification
- Joint types and elements
- Common grouting methods
- Responsibilities of parties in construction phase
- Aesthetics
Along with this course you will receive a PDF version of the Understanding Grouted Precast Joints released by National Precast.

Click on the course content below to get started!
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